How to Remove Stains
By: Ludvig Sandell • 3 minStains happen. They are a consequence of living, but irritating, nonetheless. As a rule of thumb, we recommend that you attend any stains as soon as possible.
If you leave the shirt in the laundry basket, those stains may become permanent – and a quick removal may save you from having to wash the entire shirt.
We have compiled a few helpful tips on how to remove the most common stains. Please note that these tips may not always help with your type of stain.
Remove light stains by lightly pressing on them with a clean cloth soaked in a little soap and water. Rinse in cold water to get rid of any excess residue. Some stains may be tougher. Pre-treat them with stain remover before washing. However, do not let the stain remover dry completely, because that could cause a new stain.
Try to remove any excess blood as soon as possible and rinse with cold water until you get it all out. The sooner you treat the stain, the better the odds of getting get that stain out.
If the stain is fresh, just rinsing the shirt in cold water. If it has been sitting there for a while, we recommend you treat it with a stain remover before you wash the shirt. To make sure the treatment is successful, let the stain remover work its magic for a few minutes, but do not let it dry.
Treat the stain with citric acid and wash the shirt as you would normally.
Oil or shortening
Gently press on the stain with a clean cloth soaked in a little water and clear dish soap. Make sure to rinse the stain with cold water to avoid any discoloration from the dish soap.
Wine stains are tough, particularly red wine, but if you move fast, you will succeed. Immediately soak up any excess liquid with a paper towel. Pour a generous amount of salt on the affected area. Let it sit for a while until the salt has absorbed the wine; the longer, the better. Rinse thoroughly with cold water and wash the shirt as you would normally.
Stains on silk and wool
Sometimes a tie or scarf gets in the way, and receives a stain. Make sure you remove any excess liquid or dried stuff before you treat the stain.
For silk, you can mix something acidic, like lemon juice or white vinegar, with lukewarm water. Try the mixture on a non-visible part to make sure the color will not transfer. Press gently on the stain, do not rub. Once the stain is gone, rinse well with cold water.
For wool, you mix equal parts white vinegar and wool detergent and add cold water. Press gently on the stain, do not rub. Once the stain is gone, rinse well with cold water.
Underarm Stains
Yellow stains may occur when natural salts of the body react with some deodorants. However, you can treat these stains. And with a few precautions, avoid them in the future. If you have a white shirt with underarm stains, mix equal parts clear dish soap and citric acid, add a little water, and apply it to the stain. Let the mixture sit for about 20 minutes, rinse with cold water, and wash the shirt as you normally would.
To avoid underarm stains altogether, change your deodorant to one with no aluminum, better for both your shirt and your health. Another way to avoid underarm stains on your shirt is to apply deodorant and let it dry before you put the shirt on. Using an undershirt is also a great way to prevent stains. Our Filo Di Scozia T-Shirts are super soft and has a silky feel, so you will not feel bulky wearing them under your favorite Eton shirt.