How to Tie a Bow Tie Easily
By: Ludvig Sandell • 5 minA self-tied bow tie – an elegant exclamation point to a formal style. Tying a bow tie is an art that can be difficult to master, but with a little will, patience, and by using this step-by-step guide, you can easily learn at your own pace. And then you’ll be able to tie your bow tie easily before life’s biggest parties – maybe even before your own wedding. But how do you tie a bow tie correctly? This is a challenge for many, but once you learn it you can proudly display one of the most stylish accessories of all time.
It’s important to know that there are pre-tied bow ties you can purchase from us, but we at Eton prefer a bow tie that you have tied yourself. A self-tied bow tie will never be perfect – it will always be slightly crooked, and one side will be slightly longer than the other, but it will always highlight your personality. This gives you a more elegant and relaxed look.